The episodes were not always as aired. The tapes tended to have just the one intro sequence and set of closing credits but more interestingly a look at the BBFC site reveals that some of the episodes received further edits. It seems that the distributor wanted a U certificate (Universal – Suitable for All) for the tapes but in order to receive this from the BBFC sometimes cuts were required. Unless off-air recordings surface to compare, no further details are available, but any episodes that received further cuts are noted in the list below.
There are twenty two tapes in all and their placement in the list is based on a rough episode order. In some cases episodes saw multiple releases. In total forty-four episodes and one special saw a VHS release in the UK.
Cat No. 99032
[SP] How It All Began To obtain a U certificate cuts of 32 seconds were required.
A 50-minute special that begins as a clip-show summarising some of the events of the first season before filling out the runtime with abridged versions of season two episodes [6] Return of the Shredder, [7] The Incredible Shrinking Turtles, [8] It Came from Beneath the Sewers and [9] The Mean Machines.
The footage covering the first season is taken from another clip-show episode: Blast from the Past from the third season.
Cat No. 99012
[11] The Case of the Killer Pizzas To obtain a U certificate cuts of 3 seconds were required.
[12] Enter the Fly To obtain a U certificate cuts of 3 seconds were required.
Cat No. 99022
[13] Invasion of the Punk Frogs
[15] New York’s Shiniest To obtain a U certificate cuts of 2 seconds were required.
Cat No. 99042
[18] Return of the Technodrome To obtain a U certificate cuts of 33 seconds were required.
[17] The Catwoman from Channel Six
Cat No. 99132
[21] Attack of the 50-Foot Irma
[20] Turtles on Trial To obtain a U certificate cuts of 8 seconds were required.
Cat No. 99112
[39] Green with Jealousy
[23] Sky Turtles
[22] The Maltese Hamster
Part of the “Tempo Special Edition range [that] features an extra long running time”. In this case that means “AN AWESOME EXTRA ADVENTURE FREE!”
Cat No. 99052
[26] The Fifth Turtle
[27] Enter the Rat King
Cat No. 99062
[30] Attack of Big Macc
[28] Turtles at the Earth’s Core
Cat No. 99092
[29] April Fool
[35] Turtles, Turtles Everywhere
Cat No. EUKV 2010
[32] 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea
Cat No. NVT 12946
[6] Return of the Shredder To obtain a U certificate cuts of 13 seconds were required.
[32] 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea
[33] Take Me to Your Leader
[34] The Four Musketurtles
Includes the previously released 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea. An abridged version of Return of the Shredder was previously included as part of the How It All Began special.
Cat No. 99102
[36] Cowabunga Shredhead
[38] Camera Bugged To obtain a U certificate cuts of 3 seconds were required.
Cat No. 94602
[37] Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers
Cat No. 99122
[43] Corporate Raiders from Dimension X
[61] Shredderville
Cat No. 99192
[45] Super Bebop and Mighty Rocksteady
[46] Beware the Lotus
The Biggest Ever Video Cat No. 96462 Episodes: [51] The Case of the Hot Kimono [47] Blast from the Past To obtain a U certificate cuts of 2 seconds were required. [48] Leatherhead: Terror of the Swamp [50] Usagi Yojimbo [52] Usagi Come Home To obtain a U certificate cuts of 2 seconds were required. [34] The Four Musketurtles [33] Take Me to Your Leader [32] 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea [6] Return of the Shredder To obtain a U certificate cuts of 13 seconds were required. Notes: Includes five previously unreleased episodes followed by the complete contents of the Very Best of the Turtles tape (so a third release for 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea) but with the episode order reversed. |
Cat No. 96782
[63] The Big Rip Off
Tape of episodes from various shows, including one Hero Turtles episode.
Cat No. 96612
[64] The Big Break In
[65] The Big Blow Out
Tape of episodes from various shows, including two Hero Turtles episodes.
Cat No. 99182
[82] Raphael Meets His Match
[80] Raphael Knocks ‘em Dead To obtain a U certificate cuts of 5 seconds were required.
Cat No. 99152
[84] Leonardo Lightens Up
[98] Leonardo versus Tempestra
Cat No. 99162
[96] Donatello’s Degree
[88] Donatello Makes Time
Cat No. 99172
[92] Michaelangelo Meets Bugman
[94] What’s Michaelangelo Good For?
Although it IS the episode on the tape, there’s no BBFC record for Michaelangelo Meets Bugman. It seems the similarly-named Michaelangelo Meets Bugman Again[dead link: see below] was mistakenly submitted in its place. Whoops.
################(26TH MARCH 2022 UPDATE)################
Additional rated episodes
In 2020 the BBFC redesigned its website and irritatingly a lot of information was lost and search options were reduced. Gone was information on multiple submissions of the same film/TV episode as well as anything refused a certificate. Information on cuts was also reduced, now simply noting "a version of this work was cut".
Strangely almost all of the Hero Turtles information was removed. Of the episodes released, only the How it All Began special has a listing. Curiously, following the website redesign, some other listings appeared for episodes that were rated, but apparently never released. The episodes are:
[7] The Incredible Shrinking Turtles
[8] It Came From Beneath The Sewers A version of this work was cut.
[9] The Mean Machine [sic]
[10] Curse of the Evil Eye A version of this work was cut.
[14] Splinter No More A version of this work was cut.
[16] Teenagers From Dimension X
[44] Pizza By The Shred
The first five of these episodes were classified 1st July 1990, just over a month before the How It All Began special (6th August 1990) was rated. That special incorporates cutdown versions of the first three of those episodes and might be why the longer versions went unreleased as well as Curse of the Evil Eye which concludes the arc.
###############END UPDATE################
Finally here are two “Hero Turtles” opening sequences for your viewing pleasure:
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